MA 12101

นาง นัยนา หลังยาหน่าย
เข้าสู่ระบบเมื่อ 7 เดือน ที่แล้ว

MA 12101




Course Description Mathematics Fundamental Subject code : MA 12101 Pratomsuksa 2 Time : 200 hrs.

Write and read Hindu-Arabic and Thai numerals showing quantity of objects or cardinal numbers not exceeding 1000, and 0.Compare and arrange sequence of cardinal numbers not exceeding 1000, and 0.Add, subtract and mix addition, subtraction, division and multiplication of cardinal numbers not exceeding 1,000, and 0, as well as be aware of validity of the answers. Analyse and find answers to problems and mix-problems of cardinal numbers not exceeding 1,000,and 0, as well as be aware of validity of the answers. Tell length in metres and centimetres, and compare length by using the same unit. Tell weight in kilogrammes and grammes, and compare weight by using the same unit. Tell volume and capacity in litres, and compare volume and capacity. Tell total amount of money from coins and bank notes. Tell the time on a clock dial (period of 5 minutes).Tell the days, months and year from a calendar. Solve problems involving measurement of length, weight, volume and money. Identify two-dimensional geometric figures whether in the form of triangles, quadrilaterals, circles or ellipses. Identify three-dimensional figures whether in the form of cuboids, spheres or cylinders. Distinguish between rectangles and cuboids, and between circles and spheres. Draw two-dimensional geometric figures by using geometric models. Tell the numbers and relations in patterns of numbers that increases by 5s, 10s and 100s, and decreases by 2s, 10s and 100s.Identify the forms and relations in patterns in which forms are related in one of the following respects: shape, size or colour. Apply diverse methods for problem-solving. Appropriately apply mathematical knowledge, skills and processes for problem-solving in various situations. Suitably provide reasoning for decision-making and appropriately present the conclusions reached. Accurately use mathematical language and symbols for communication of concepts and presentation. Link various bodies of mathematical knowledge, and link mathematics with other disciplines. Attain ability for creative thinking.

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