M6 Science in English (Biology)

เข้าสู่ระบบเมื่อ ประมาณ 2 ปี ที่แล้ว

M6 Science in English (Biology)





In this class, you will learn about science specifically biology using English as a medium of communication. After this unit, students will be able to define evolution; list down the causes of variation among organisms; identify the factors that causes speciation and extinction; define extinction; value what they already have and appreciate the uniqueness of other; show concern and kindness to any kind of animal living on the streets; define biodiversity; identify the different classification of organisms; differentiate prokaryotes and eukaryotes; describe each classification of organism; list down the importance of biodiversity; write properly the scientific names proposed by Carolus Linnaeus; show examples of organisms under the different kingdoms of organisms; explain the importance of biodiversity; support groups that promotes the protection of any kind of living creature; encourage people to control the use of materials that is naturally made; define ecosystem; describe the different types of ecosystem; list down the importance of ecosystem; differentiate the types of biomes; list down animals and plants that can live in each type of biome; define population; define migration; differentiate immigration from emigration; identify the factors that affect population growth; explain the importance of each ecosystem; distinguish the different types of ecosystem; write the formula for population growth; explain how birth, death, immigration and emigration affect population growth; encourage everyone to practice reduce, reuse and recycle to lessen the impact of waste products in the ecosystem and its effect to animals living in each type of ecosystem; give examples of natural sources; explain how some activities endanger ecosystem; construct ways on how to conserve the ecosystem; explain how these activities endanger ecosystem.

ClassStart ให้บริการฟรีโดย บริษัท ปิยะวัฒนา จำกัด
เราเป็นกิจการเพื่อสังคม (Social Enterprise)
ผู้ไม่ประสงค์ออกนามท่านหนึ่ง (2563-2566)
มูลนิธิสดศรี-สฤษดิ์วงศ์ (2561-2563)
กองทุนเพื่อความเสมอภาคทางการศึกษา (2557-2558)
กองทุนสนับสนุนการสร้างเสริมสุขภาพ (2557)
มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ (2554-2558)
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